


Princess Japan Yamatohime showing the truth and the rationality of the Philosophy in the Mankind World

☆ 宝珠

(にょいほうじゅ チンターマニ 梵: चिन्तामणि [cintaamaNi])とは、仏教において様々な霊験を表すとされる宝の珠のこと。サンスクリット語でチンターとは「思考」、マニは「珠」を指す言葉で、「意のままに様々な願いをかなえる宝」という意味である。如意宝、如意珠、または単に宝珠(ほうじゅ、ほうしゅ)とも呼ばれる。



☆ NOTE:下記掲載の如意宝珠観音の人形の作品の画像の出典元 ☆:



Playing With Beluga Babies! So cute!

Playing With Beluga Babies! So cute!

アップロード日: 2010/08/02
Playing with beluga babies (Eve, Sasha, Mira, Charlotte and Neva) at Marineland. There are also a few mother belugas that came over as well (Xena and Kelowna). You can see the newest baby Qila and her mother Isis swim by.


Beluga Whale blows Bubbles

アップロード日: 2007/07/16
For more animal videos check out Uzoo YouTube page

Allya the Beluga whale at an aquarium in western Japan has learned to blow bubble rings. In the wild, some dolphins and whales blow bubble rings by inhaling air through their blowholes and releasing it through their mouths underwater. But thanks to scuba diving equipment, Allya can do it anytime.

Allya clearly loves interacting with her audience. She aims the bubbles at spectators as they peer in through the glass.

Reuters 2989/06


Beluga whales being friendly

アップロード日: 2011/09/01
Wild Beluga whales playing and coming to visit

Port aux Choix Newfoundland


VANCOUVER AQUARIUM #1 (Dauphin - Dolphin

アップロード日: 2011/03/11
Dauphin - Dolphin - Vancouver Aquarium - Pan Canada Car Trip - Quebec Vancouver - much more videos to watch soon by Marie-Panic
+ infos ( http://www.vanaqua.org/ )
+ infos ( http://www.cestpascher.com/aquarium.html )
+ infos ( http://www.mariepanic.tv/ )